Reference Page Overview

The Personnel Management business area includes the following reference pages:

Page Name

Page Code

Intended Use

Affiliation of Grievance Representative


This page allows you to define and maintain affiliations to employee grievances.

Applicant Mass Change


This page is used when a single change is to be applied to multiple Job Application (JOBA) transactions. Ordinarily, these adjustments would be accomplished on an application by application basis.

Appreciation Category


This page defines different categories in which different Appreciations can be grouped. Sites can define their own categories such as, Reward, Applaud, Milestone Achiever, Rockstar performer, and so forth, and associate it with one of the relevant appreciation category icons.

Asset Type


This page allows you to define the codes that identify the types of assets/passes issued to employees. For example, a security badge that provides access into buildings or secured areas.

Automatic Step Increase Selection Criteria


This page allows you to define the selection criteria used by the Process Automatic Step Increase Selection Criteria batch job to determine which employees should be evaluated for an automatic step increase, as well as the step increase processing information for non-table driven pay employees.

Case Officer


This page allows you to view information regarding a case officer.

Civil Service Appointing Authority


This page allows you to define the Appointing Authority in regards to the Extended Department (DEPTX) and Civil Service Titles Authorized (CSTA).

Civil Service Division


This page allows you to define a Division and establish settings for a specific region.

Civil Service Editing Rules


This page establishes editing rules for Civil Service Jurisdiction Class and Civil Service Status combinations.

Civil Service Jurisdiction Class


This page allows you to define the Jurisdiction Class in regards to the Civil Service Titles Authorized (CSTA) reference page.

Civil Service Status


This page allows you to define the codes that identify employees’ statuses associated with civil service processes and procedures, such as permanent and provisional.

Civil Service Titles Authorized


 This page defines the maximum number of full time equivalents (FTEs) authorized to be employed by a given Appointing Authority, Jurisdiction Class, and Title.

Claim Status


This page defines and maintains the claim statuses for each of the workers' compensation claims.

Claim Type


This page defines and maintains workers' compensation claim types.

Class Section


This page allows you to define class section information for a course defined in the system.

Competency Level


This page allows you to identify the possible skill or proficiency levels for a given skill.

Competency Type


This page allows you to define codes which identify skills employees might possess that would be of value to the organization, and the minimum and maximum levels of each skill that are recognized by the system.

Configurable Reference Information


The Configurable Reference Information page allows you to track additional information that can be defined at the department and unit levels and is timeline maintained.

Configurable Reference Information- Small


The Configurable Reference Information- Small page allows you to track additional information that can be defined at the department and unit levels and is timeline maintained. This page is similar to Configurable Reference Information (CREF), but on a smaller scale.

Correspondence Notifications


This page allows you to access and review letters or notifications sent to employees through the Generate Letter/Notification batch process.



This page allows you to define the codes that identify educational or training courses in which employees can participate and accumulate towards a degree or career advancement.

Course Level


This page provides entries for the Course Level pick on the Course page. You can use the Course Level to further classify a course such as Introductory and Advanced.

Course Class Section


This page allows you to designate what Class Sections are available for a given Course, along with the date range in which the section is offered and the start and end times. Course, Class Section and the From date are all required fields on this page.

Course Grade


This page allows you to identify possible grades employees can receive for courses given at a particular school.

Data Archive Parameters


This page provides a user friendly access point to set rules for archiving data.



This page allows you to define the codes used to identify various academic degrees employees or applicants might have achieved.



This page allows you to define the codes which identify any disabilities employees or applicants might have.

Discharge Type


This page allows you to define the codes which identify the valid types of military discharge an employee or applicant might have received upon leaving the military (i.e. honorable, dishonorable, etc.).

EEO Employer


This page allows you to view and record location and contact information about employers operating under EEO guidelines.

EEO Function


This page allows you to define the function for employers operating under EEO guidelines.

EEO Job Category


This page allows you to define job category codes for employers operating under EEO guidelines.

EEO Location


This page allows you to define work locations, grades taught, and other EEO data for employers operating under EEO guidelines for school districts.

EEO Multiple Locations


This page allows you to define multiple work locations on employers operating under EEO guidelines.

Email Reminders and Notification


This page allows payroll and benefits administrators to automate notifications to employees who have not submitted their timesheets or benefits enrollments by a specified deadline.

This also enable administrators to automate notifications to employees and evaluators and reviewers regarding upcoming and due steps of Performance Journey.

It can be also used to send reminders to Evaluators about the upcoming check-ins or conversation touch points that need to be held with the reporting employees.

Refer to the Email Reminders and Notifications and Performance Type and Notifications Tab sections in the Email Notifications Reference Page Setup topic.

Email Templates


This page are form messages with variables that can be populated by the Email Agent.

Email Trigger Maintenance


This page allows users to view all Email Triggers in the system, modify the Triggers, and remove incorrect Triggers from the table.

Employee Additional Information


This page allows sites to configure the page and up to 40 fields to their specific needs such as to track information that is not set on existing pages. Extensibility is used to rename the page and/or fields, hide unused fields, move fields, group them, and so forth.

Employee Additional Information


This page allows sites to configure the page and up to 350 fields to their specific needs such as to track information that is not set on existing pages. Extensibility is used to rename the page and/or fields, hide unused fields, move fields, group them, and so forth.

Employee Related Transactions


This page displays all transactions that can be modified or created from the tab that was active prior to selecting the Related Transaction action.

Employment Category


This page defines the valid values for the Employment Category.

Employment Status 


This page allows you to define and identify employment statuses. The system refers to the employee's status to determine whether the employee may receive pay, have deductions taken, accrue and use leave and be counted in the workforce. This page also determines the number of months an employee’s information can stay in the system with this status before the employee’s information is archived. Furthermore, this page also determines if the employee will be included on specific reports (EEO6, IPEDS and so on).

Engagement Form 


 When an administrator identifies a suitable candidate for a succession plan, an Engagement Form is generated. This form outlines the succession plan and requires the employee's acceptance.

Evaluation Type


This page allows you to define the codes that describe the types of reviews employees can receive during an evaluation period, such as a salary review or a performance review.

Extended Department


This page allows you to provide information for EEO reporting purposes, including the EEO Function and EEO Report Type, on which the employees in the agency should be reported. It is also used for retroactive pay and leave processing and multiple employer functions. It provides information about whether organization level budgeting is required for position control.



This page is used to define the types of genders as specified by sites. The Gender code field allows up to ten characters and is linked to a federal definition of Male, Female, and No Entry for EEO reporting purposes.

Generate Letter / Notification


This page is used to define select queries that are used by the Generate Letter/Notification batch job process to generate letters/email notifications based on the employee information. Letter/notification distribution method is also defined on this page.

Goal Category


This page allows you to define the valid categories for goals. Goal Category is used in grouping the goals, which will be used for assessing employee performance.

Goal Library


This page defines the goals/expectations for the employee, which is used for performance assessment.

Sites can use this page to create a library of expectations that can belong to different categories. They can also use external libraries to pull in Expectations/KPI/ KRA, which they want to use for their organization.

The page can be used to define Goals in a very objective way by defining Goal descriptions in details and define a very objective way on how it can be measured.

Identity and Employment Authorization


This page is used to define the types of transactions that can be used to establish an employee’s Identity and Employment Authorization (such as a driver’s license, passport, voter registration code, social security card, etc.). 

Incident/Grievance Status


This page allows you to define all valid types of incidents, grievances, or work releases and the valid statuses for each type, along with the effective and expiration dates and short and long descriptions.

Incident/Grievance Type


This page allows you to record, update, change, and delete codes for the types of incidents, grievances, and work release in which employees might be involved.

License Type


This page allows you to maintain information on various types of licenses in which employees might be involved.



This page allows you to define the codes used to identify majors and minors associated with degrees held by employees or applicants.



This page provides the ability to define goals, training and competencies based on various combinations of Department, Unit, Union Local, Performance Type, and  Performance Policy.

You can tie different goals, training and competencies at different levels and these will be auto inferred on the Goals plan for employees when criteria match.

Department A can define the specific Goals, training and competencies and Department B can define their own set of Goals and these will reflect accordingly in the Goals plan for an employee belonging to Department A vs. Department B.

Similarly, grouping can be done for various Job titles by associating different Goals, training, and competencies mapping for different Performance policies

Wildcards are supported on this page to provide maximum flexibility to sites.

The Source field is for defining the grouping category, it is more informational and entered by an Administrator to bring in clarity of configuration set up

Mass Change Requests for Employee Evaluations


This page is used when a change is needed to update the Employee Evaluation (EVAL) transaction.

Mass Change Requests for Employee Status Maintenance


This page is used when a change is needed that requires updates to Employment Status Maintenance (ESMT) transactions.

Mass Change Requests for Employee Status Maintenance (Enhanced)


This page is used when updates and/or corrections are needed for multiple Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) transactions at one time.

Marital Status


This page allows you to define the codes used to describe marital statuses of employees and applicants.

Military Branch


This page allows you to define the codes which identify the valid branches of the military in which an employee or applicant might have served.

Military Rank


This page allows you to define the codes that identify the valid ranks applicants or employees hold or may have held while serving in the military.

Name Change Reason


This page allows you to define the codes that describe the different reasons why an employee or applicant might have changed their name (i.e. marriage, divorce, etc.).

Name Prefix


This page allows you to define the possible name prefixes of employees and applicants. For example, Mr. and Mrs.

Name Suffix


This page allows you to define the possible name suffixes for employees and applicants. For example, Jr. and Sr.

Navigational Links


This page defines the location, label, and URL of the links to external applications, such as Advantage Case Management. 

 Occupational Group


This page allows you to define the codes that identify any groups of similar employees that would be grouped together. For example, clerks, secretaries, and receptionists would be grouped as Administration.

Organization Chart Settings 


This page allows you to define the settings for the Organization Chart (MEIORG) page. It is defined at the Home Department and Home Unit level and can be wildcarded for all.

Organization Charting Gateway


This page provides the ability to chart an organization, starting with a specified position or supervisor, by using data exported from the Advantage HRM system and importing it into third party organization software.

Parameters for Performance Management Notification


This page allows you to define additional parameters for the Performance Management Notification batch job, which systematically generates emails to notify evaluators of employee performance evaluations that are due.

Payment Type


This page defines and maintains workers' compensation payment types.

Performance Expectation and Rating Type


This page allows you to define the codes that identify the categories on which employees can be judged for an evaluation or expectation.

Performance Policy


This page allows you to define the codes that identify all performance policies used by an organization to govern performance review of employees. The performance policies defined on this page are linked to an Employee profile via Sub-Title or Position via the Position Maintenance (PSMT) transaction and overridden on the Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) transaction.

Performance Type


The Performance Type page allows you to define types of reviews that can be planned within an organization for employees. These can be Probation Reviews, Annual Performance Reviews, Monthly reviews, Exit Reviews, and so forth. This page is the key page that allows you to configure the different steps and fields on the evaluation wizard. This page is also wildcard enabled; therefore, Departments, Units, and Union Locals within the organization can configure the wizard as per their needs and performance management processes, which will be used for assessing an employee performance review.

There are some general settings to associate valid Rating Scales, Performance Period, Evaluation Due Dates, Goal Finalization Due Date, Training and Competencies to be linked with an Evaluation, does the site allow adding goals after Goals have been signed off and finalized, and so forth.

Performance Rating


This page allows you to define valid scores employees can receive from an evaluation for a specified performance rating type.

Performance Rating Profile


This page allows you to define the codes that identify how employees are grouped for evaluation ratings.

Personnel Action


Personnel Action page allows you to define personnel actions codes of those actions which affect an employee's employment status, title and pay.

Personnel Action Category


This page allows you to define Personnel Action Categories, which can be linked to one or more Personnel Action (PACT) codes.

Personnel Action Checklist


This page stores the contents of each Personnel Action Checklist. 

Personnel Action Extensions


This page, an extension to the Personnel Actions (PACT) page, allows administrators to send notifications to relevant employee or to a chosen user, employee, or external email address on specified personnel actions taken.

Personnel Action Reason


This page allows you to define the codes that describe the basis for assigning different personnel actions.

Personnel Action Request Actions


This page allows you to define and identify the PAR Action codes to be used with personnel action requests.

Personnel Action Request Edit Rules


This page allows you to define the requirement edits associated with a PAR Action.

Personnel Action Request Status


This page allows you to define and identify the Personnel Action Request (PAR) Status codes to be used with personnel action requests.

Personnel Action Rules for Employee Assignment


This page allows you to define by Personnel Action what fields on the Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) transaction are to be displayed for population as well as how to input data on the Personnel Action Wizard pages.

Personnel Action Wizard


This page automates employee personnel action requests including termination, job changes and transfers. The wizard also updates employee assignments, employee deductions and benefits, employee tax filing parameters, and employee leave balances.

Personnel Action Wizard Rules for Deductions and Benefits


This page is used to set up the rules to automate the expiration of employee deductions, benefits, and tax filing based on various personnel actions performed (e.g. job changes, transfers, termination, etc.).

Personnel Action Rules for Employee Assignment


This page allows you to define by Personnel Action the rules that govern what attributes of Employee Assignment are available during the creation of Deduction Mass Change Requests for the Personnel Action Wizard.

Personnel Action Wizard Rules for Leave Processing


This page allows you to configure leave termination processing rules for leave balances.

Personnel Edit Data List


This page allows the user to define the values for a specific field that are associated with specific personnel action/ personnel action reason.

Personnel Edit Rules


This page allows you to specify additional edits for a particular personnel action/personnel action reason combination on the Employment Status Maintenance (ESMT) page.

Qualification Mapping


The Qualification Mapping page provides the ability to create qualification requirements for a particular Position Number or Sub-Title. Requirements related to Training, Competencies, Licenses, and Certifications, and Education Qualification can be mapped. This information can be used for succession planning, development plans, career paths and so on.



This reference page contains valid ethnicity values that define the race/ethnic backgrounds for employees and applicants.

Rating Profile Type


This page allows you define profile ratings by type. The rating profile can be associated with an employee in a particular title, and is used when evaluating an employees’ performance.

Rating Scale


This page allows you to define valid Ratings/Scores for a specified performance type.

This page allows you to define if a site allows star visualization for ratings or just a normal drop down to pick up the rating values, # of Rating levels and what each Rating would mean.  For example, ME means Meets Expectation; 5 means Exceeding Expectation, and so forth.

This page also defines the value for the rating, which is further used for Final Scoring/Numerical assessment of the evaluation.

Report Group


This page allows you to define valid report group codes used for inquiry and reporting purposes.



This page allows you to define the codes that identify the geographic areas as they are dictated by employment regulations.



This page allows you to define the codes used to identify the educational institutions that employees or applicants have attended or are attending.

Shared Ratings/Expectations


This page provides the ability for HR staff or managers to establish Shared Ratings for multiple levels of the organization, such as department, unit, pay policy, and union local. 



This page allows you to identify the set of pay, leave, deduction and performance policies, the FLSA profile, the Client Compensation profile, and pension system parameters that govern employees in a particular title. You can have multiple sub-titles per title.

Succession Requirements


This page provides the ability to define Succession requirements for an Employee, Position, or a Sub-Title. Requirements related to Training, Competencies, Licenses and Certifications, and Education Qualification can be mapped.

If the site has mapped qualifications for Positions, Sub-Titles in the Qualification Mapping (QUALM), the same information can be inferred on this page. Additional requirements can also be defined on this page in addition to the inferred QUALM data.

Tenure Tracking


This page allows you to define the classification of employees for use during tenure tracking, which provides a means to group employees together for tenure reporting purposes.



This page allows you to define and identify the title of the employee’s job. It specifies job information including FLSA exemption, Client Compensation exemption, EEO category, occupational group, title group, grade, union membership, and standard pay range.

Title Extension


This page allows you to store the Job Description URL field for the selected Title. The Title Extension page can only be accessed from the Title page by selecting the Add/Modify Job Description URL hyperlink.

Title Group


This page allows you to define codes that identify groups of titles assigned to employees, such as administrative or professional.

Union Local


This page allows you to define the codes that identify unions to which employees belong.

Veteran Status


This page allows you to define the codes that identify the statuses an employee or applicant can claim regarding their veteran standing.

Work Status


This page defines and maintains the employee’s work status. The status codes defined on this page are used on workers' compensation claims.