Advanced - Setup

The disbursement process issues checks/warrants or EFT records for payments that have been authorized from the Purchasing or A/P process. Payments are selected for disbursement based on payment schedule dates, vendor terms, and discounts. The disbursement process records, monitors, and controls all activities associated with the disbursement of funds. This includes generating checks/warrants/EFT, and posting the activity to the ledgers and tables.

The following are key tables and pages that are used to setup and manage disbursements:

Key Tables and Pages


Application Parameters (APPCTRL)

This page allows you to set parameters that do not vary by year, fund, department, or other factors.

AP Event Type Crosswalk (APEVXW)

This page indicates the Event Types to be used during the processing of Disbursement transactions. The event types must be established before processing disbursement transactions.

Claim Schedule Numbering (CSN)

This page allows you to configure the numbering sequence and structure of the Claim Schedule Numbers on Disbursement transactions when the External Disbursement Option on SOPT is Disbursements & Claims.

Check/EFT Sort Precedence (CHKSORT)

This page allows you to define the sort order of disbursements selected by the Check Number Assignment job (which is part of the AD Chain) for the purpose of assigning check and EFT numbers.

Check Status Mapping (CHKMAP)

This page allows you to define how Check Status is to be indicated in the Positive Pay files sent to the banks.  

DC Event Type Crosswalk (DCXWLK)

This page defines the Event Types that will be used on the Disbursement Cancellation (DC) transaction.  For each referenced Event Type on the AD or MD transaction, the associated DC Event Type is listed.

Disbursement Category (DISC)

The Disbursement Category table is used to classify and/or consolidate payments.

Disbursement Category Inference (DISCIV)

The Disbursement Category Inference table allows you to define valid combinations of Department, Unit, Object, Balance Sheet Account, Revenue Source, and Disbursement Category. The records on this table are also used to infer and enforce the Disbursement Category for an accounting line on a Payment Request transaction.

Disbursement Correction (DISBCP)

If printing errors occur during check printing, users with appropriate security enter the correction information on the Disbursement Correction (DISBCP) page and schedule the Disbursement Correction process.

Disbursement Format (DISF)

The Disbursement Format table is used to define each electronic or hard copy format that may be produced by the disbursement process.

Disbursement Hold Exclusion (DISBMR)

The Disbursement Hold Exclusion table is used to enter specific vendors, chart of account elements, or budget lines that you do not want updated or changed by Disbursement Management.

Disbursement Hold Reason (HLDR)

This page allows you to define and view reasons that you can use when placing a Disbursement Request on hold on the Disbursement Management (DISBM) page, or during the Automated Disbursement or Hold Payments for Pending Debts processes.

Disbursement Parameters (DISPA)

Contains disbursement request selection criteria for the Automated Disbursement process.

Disbursement Priority (DISP)

The disbursement priority data structure is used to define varying degrees of priority that may be assigned to individual disbursement requests.  Disbursement requests are processed in ascending order of priority.  This allows payments with higher disbursement priorities to be processed first and reduce the chance that the payment may be stopped due to cash restrictions or disbursement limits.  

Disbursement Request (DISRQ)

The Automated Disbursement process generates payments from records on the Disbursement Request table. The Disbursement Request table is not only the main source of data for disbursement management, but is also the central point of control for the disbursement process.


This is a system-maintained table that stores the information of the returned EFT payments and EFT reversals by the bank. This table also stores the cancellation requests of returned EFT payments.

EFT Reversal (EFTREV)

The EFT Reversal (EFTREV) table is a user-maintained table that allows authorized users to:

  • Request the reversal of EFT payments that went to the bank for processing.

  • Request the cancellation of EFT payments that were reversed successfully by the bank.

Hard Copy Disbursement Exclusions (HCDE)

This page allows the definition of one or more exceptions so that Automated Disbursements can be excluded from the hard copy disbursement count and excluded from the hard copy fee being tracked on the Hard Copy Disbursement Count (HCDC) page.

Hard Copy Disbursement Options (HCDO)

This page allows the establishment of options to count hard copy disbursement counts as well as optionally warn and/or assess fees for payments issued with hard copy disbursements being tracked on the Hard Copy Disbursement Count (HCDC) page.

Interest Accounting Line Crosswalk (INTACT)

This page captures Chart of Account (except for Object and Sub Object) elements that are used during the Automated Interest Calculation batch process to generate the Interest Payment Request (IPR) transactions.

Interest Exception (INTEXP)

This page is used to record the various interest exceptions applicable to referenced payment requests and the disbursement transaction during the Automated Interest Calculation Batch Process.

MD Default Event Type (MDDFEV)

This page indicates the Event Types to be used during the processing of Manual Disbursement transactions. The event types must be established before processing MD transactions.

Online Printing Parameters Default (OPRNDFLT)

Online Printing Batch Parameters

This page can be used to define default values for the parameters on the Online Printing Batch Parameters page for printing checks based on Transaction Code.

The Online Printing Batch Parameters page is used to define the parameters for the online Check Printing.

Payment Hold Options (PHLDOP)

This page is used to control Payment Hold related options for the Automated Payment Hold functionality, if used by your site.

Payment Hold Type (PHLDT)

This page allows you to define unique Hold Type codes to identify the reason for a payment hold.

Payment Hold Type by Department (PHLDTD)

This page provides the valid Hold Types at the Department Level to prevent disbursements at the Automated Vendor, Automated Award, Automated Payment Request, Disbursement Management Hold, and User Hold levels.