Transaction Information
The Payroll Processing business area involves the following transactions:
Transaction Name |
Page Code |
Description |
Check Disposition |
Check Disposition allows you to display the current status of an employee’s check, and allows the user to change the status of the check. If the Update Balance Immediately field is set to Yes, then Advantage HRM schedules the Gross to Note Immediate Update of Cancelled Checks batch job, populates the Job ID field with the Job ID of the batch job. |
Contract Pay Summary |
Contract Pay Summary provides contract pay summary information for employees processed under the regular contract pay model. If the USE NEW CONTRACT MODEL parameter on the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) page is set to Y, you must use the Contract Pay Summary (CONS) page instead of this page. Contract actuals and contract earnings are automatically updated for contract pay employees through Gross-to-Net. If the ALLOW CON/RES BALANCE UPDATE parameter on the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) page has the Yes/No Flag set to Y, you can then update these calculated values using this page. Otherwise, only the liquidation-related fields and the Override Contract Value Amt field can be updated. |
Contract Pay Summary - Smoothing Factor |
Contract Pay Summary – Smoothing Factor provides contract pay summary information for employees processed under the smoothing contract pay model. If the USE NEW CONTRACT MODEL parameter on the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) page is set to Y, you must use this page instead of the CONP page. Contract actuals and contract earnings are automatically updated for contract pay employees through Gross-to-Net. If the ALLOW CON/RES BALANCE UPDATE parameter on the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) page has the Yes/No Flag set to Y, you can then update these calculated values using this page. Otherwise, only the liquidation-related fields and the Override Contract Value Amount field can be updated. |
Contract/Reserve Pay Options |
Contract/Reserve Pay Options allows you to record and view contract and reserve pay options that override options set up on other pages. Note: This page can only be used if employee-level overrides are allowed for the employee’s pay policy. An employee’s pay policy allows overrides if the pay policy has a value of Eligible at Employee Level entered for the Contract Pay Allowed field or the Reserve Pay Allowed field on the Contract/Reserve Pay Policy (CPOL) page. |
Deposit Reissue |
The Deposit Reissue (DPRI) transaction allows you to issue a paper check that replaces a failed deposit, for example if an employee's bank account is closed. The DPRI transaction does not perform any recalculations. This transaction allows for the direct deposit details to be associated with a paper check number. After the transaction is submitted, the transaction processor creates a reissue trigger. The reissue trigger instructs the Check Print job to reprocess the distribution, issuing a paper check that replaces the direct deposit attempt. All accumulated reissue triggers will be printed in the next batch Check Print run. |
Employee Department Accounting Data |
Employee Department Accounting Data allows you to record and view department-specific accounting attributes for a particular employee. The employer is responsible for maintaining the accounting attributes for the employee's labor expense distribution. This can be done in three ways: explicitly entering the detailed attributes on this page; referencing a profile that is common to a large number of employees in the department; or referencing the accounting attributes defined for the employee’s position (at Position Control sites only). If you choose to use the profile or position’s attributes, do not complete any of the individual attribute fields. |
IRS Trigger |
The IRS Trigger (W2TG) page allows you to produce tax reporting forms for specified employees for the year for which the report is being produced. This is useful if adjustments are made to an employee's pay after tax forms have been produced or if an employee requests a tax form early because of termination. The IRS Trigger page is used to establish a trigger in the system and, subsequently, generate a supplemental W-2. The IRS Trigger must be established for each employee for whom you want to generate a W-2 in a Supplemental W-2 run. For ACA Reporting, this page is used to trigger a new tax form to be created in the event that a correction or replacement is needed |
Labor Distribution Profile Management |
Labor Distribution Profile Management allows you to set up accounting distributions to which pay events can be charged. |
Net Pay Distribution |
The Net Pay Distribution (NPD) page allows you to designate where an employee’s pay check is distributed. It also allows you to initiate or terminate automatic direct deposit of an eligible employee's paycheck into one or more checking or savings accounts. In addition, you can determine how the pay information is distributed to an employee (with a check to home or work location, direct deposit stub mailed, or emailed). There can be only one primary account and up to nine secondary accounts. The system only direct deposits into accounts that have been pre-noted. When an account is added, the system adds a record to the deposit schedule. The pay check print process uses pre-noting logic to confirm the account. Once the account has been successfully pre-noted, the Pre-note Date is populated, allowing the Check Print job to determine which accounts are eligible for deposit. Net Pay Distributions can be allocated by either a percentage or a set dollar amount. For dollar base allocations, the system first attempts to fulfill the secondary accounts requirements prior to distributing money to the primary account. Secondary accounts will only receive the allocated distribution amount if the full amount is available. For percent based allocations, the total percentage allocation for secondary accounts does not have to add up to 100%. The total can be either more than or less than 100%. If the total percentage of all secondary accounts is greater than 100%, there may be some secondary accounts that never receive the allocated distribution percentage. If the total percentage is less than 100%, the remaining amount will go to the Primary Account. No partial amounts or percentages can be distributed to secondary accounts. Refer to the Deductions Processing User Guide for information on the "Net Pay Distribution" transaction. |
On-line Check |
On-line Check allows you to perform the supplemental pay processing necessary to produce a check for an employee. Users may also create ’what if’ scenarios for employee paychecks to view pay, deduction, and fringe changes. |
Overload Payment Generator |
Overload Payment Generator provides an "easy to use" facility to take a single calculated payment, and divide it over multiple payroll periods. Each Overload Payment Generator contains the total overload payment amount and the number of pay periods over which it is spread. This page generates multiple Pending Payment (PEND) records to be dispersed over the number of pay periods specified. |
One-Time Payment |
One-Time Payment allows you to make special "one-time" only payments to an employee. Unlike permanent pay, one-time payments affect the employee's pay only once. One-time payments can be negative or positive: positive payments increase the employee's gross pay; whereas, negative payments decrease the employee's gross pay. Payments issued through this page remain on the pending payment table until gross-to-net is run. |
Pending Payment |
Pending Payment allows you to hold or delete a pending payment for an employee. It can also be used to switch payments from the regular pay cycle to a supplemental pay cycle. This transaction can only be viewed, not manually created |
Reserve Pay Summary |
Reserve Pay Summary provides reserve balance information for contract pay employees. The reserve balance can be viewed as the amount of money withheld (negative value) from or paid out (positive value) to an employee in order to smooth the employee's paycheck across pay periods. The balance information for this page is generated by the payroll process. If the regular contract pay model is used, the reserve balance can be updated if the Allow CON/RES Balance Update parameter on the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) page is selected and set to Y. If the smoothing contract pay model is used (USE NEW CONTRACT MODEL on the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) page is selected and set to Y), then the reserve balance can be updated when Allow CON/RES Balance Update and CREATE RESERVE SUMMARY RECS on the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) page are set to Y. The creation of reserve summary records is typically part of the data conversion |
Retroactive Trigger |
Retroactive Trigger allows you to view and modify automatically generated retroactive triggers, and enter manual triggers for situations where automatic triggers do not occur, such as when a change to a table-driven pay rate occurs. After entering retroactive triggers for all affected employees, you can then initiate the offline retroactive processing. When it is processed, a trigger record is added to the database and preparation for retroactive processing begins. Manual triggers can also be generated using the Mass Change Requests for One-Time Transactions (MAS3) page if many employees are affected by the change. |
Supplemental Pay Trigger |
Supplemental Pay Trigger designates which employees need to be processed in an offline supplemental Gross-to-Net run. The supplemental pay trigger can be manually entered, or automatically generated by the system during a check cancellation if a replacement check is requested. |