Transaction Information

The Advantage HRM Recruiting and Staffing business area includes the following transactions:


Transaction Code

Intended Use

Applicant Address Maintenance


The Applicant Address Maintenance (AADD) page allows you to record and view changes in the applicant's home and mailing address information. It is also used to track changes in the applicant's phone number and email address.

Applicant Attribute Maintenance


The Applicant Attribute Maintenance (AATT) page allows you to record and view basic personal applicant information such as education at the time of application, veteran status and military service.

Applicant Competency Profile


The Applicant Competency Profile (ACMP) page allows you to record and view skills information for applicants. The information captured includes the skills the individual possesses and the applicants' proficiency in these skills.

Application Education History


The Applicant Education History (AEDH) page allows you to record an applicant's education history. This education history information is recorded according to Applicant ID, School, Degree, Major, and Start Date. The education history can also include the degree completed, grade point average, and minors.

Applicant Identification Change Form


The Applicant Identification Change Form (AICF) page allows you to change an applicant's ID, Social Security number or name.

Applicant Licenses and Certifications


The Applicant Licenses and Certifications (ALCN) page allows you to record and view information about an applicant's licenses and certificates.

Application Evaluation


The Applicant Evaluation (APEV) page allows you to record test and ”other factor” information for an applicant. Examples of tests are typing, stenography, etc. An example of an ”other factor” is fluency in a language. Each test or factor can be paired with a raw score. Each raw score is multiplied by a weighting factor defined on the Job Requirements (JBRQ) page entry associated with the job notice for which the application was submitted. The weighted scores are then added to provide totals for test scores and other factors, as well as a combined score.

Applicant Scheduled Activities


The Applicant Scheduled Activities (APSA) page allows you to record and view additional activities needed to process an application. For example, an applicant may need to take an exam, complete an interview, or provide additional information.

Applicant References


The Applicant References (AREF) page maintains data on references for each applicant. References are identified by their first and last names, and such information as their title, employer, address, city/state/country, zip code, and phone numbers can be maintained. In addition, the date that the reference check letter was sent, and the date a response was received can be maintained, as well as comments.

Applicant Training Profile


The Applicant Training Profile (ATRP) page allows you to view all recent transactions in the system, open and process existing transactions and create new transactions and batches. It provides the following information about each transaction - Version Number, Phase, Status, Create Date, Create User ID etc.

Applicant Prior Work History


The Applicant Prior Work History (AWRK) page allows you to record an applicant's work history. This work history information is recorded according to Applicant ID, Company, Work Type, Position Title, and Start Date. The work history can also include the salary information, description of duties, employer address, and contact information.

Configurable Task


The Configurable Task (OBRD) transaction is the configured template defined within a User Task record with a Destination Type of ‘Non Advantage Task’. Formatted text can appear at the top and bottom of the transaction, information for the user to access can be displayed as Attachments, requests for the user to provide information as Attachments can be displayed, and a confirmation checkbox and message can be presented at the end of the transaction.  

The Configurable Task transaction has only one tab, and the User Task record configuration defines sections and information displayed.

External Recruiting Package


At the conclusion of the OnBoarding process, the Integrator creates an External Recruiting Packet (EXRP) transaction. This transaction contains one line for each transaction associated with the candidate/employee.

Job Application


The Job Application (JOBA) page allows you to record and view basic job application information such as applicant ID, name, application date, job notice ID, referral source, start date, and work cycle. Each application must be for a particular job, identified by a job notice ID.

Job Interview


The Job Interview (JOBI) page allows you to record and view basic interview information such as interview date, interview start and end time, interviewer ID and interview location. The interviewer may also enter the interview report by using the comment lines provided at the bottom of the page. The Job Interview (JOBI) page stores subjective evaluations of applicants.

Job Notice Distribution Profile Maintenance


The Job Notice Distribution Profile Maintenance (JNPR) page is completed by the agency responsible for processing and/or posting notices. JNPR indicates the position or positions associated with a particular job notice on the Job Notice Profile (JNOT) page.

Job Notice Profile


The Job Notice Profile (JNOT) page is completed by the agency responsible for processing and/or posting notices. It allows the percentage of FTE to be greater than 1.0000, job notice to be assigned to multiple or split positions, and entry of number hired and percent full-time hired fields.

Job Notice Schedule


The Job Notice Schedule (JNSA) page maintains a schedule of events which need to be tracked and completed during the life of the job posting (e.g., put ad in local newspaper, post opening internally, select applicants for interview).

New Hire Action Packet


The New Hire Action Packet (NHAP) page is a packet transaction that contains a list of the on-line and off-line transactions that need to be submitted when hiring a new employee and their current statuses. This transaction is created when a Personnel Action designated as a checklist action on the Personnel Action Checklist reference table is used on a triggering transaction.

Recommended Applicant Job Application


The Recommended Applicant Job Application (RAJOBA) transaction allows you to record and view basic job application information such as Job Notice ID, Applicant ID, Name, Application Date, Referral Source, Start Date, and Work Cycle. This page is the point of entry into the system for a new applicant.