Inquiries and Activity Folders
The following table lists the inquiries and activity folders used in the Personnel Management functional area of CGI Advantage HRM.
Inquiry or Activity Folder Name |
Page Code |
Description |
Case Officer Work Schedule |
The Case Officer Work Schedule (QCOW) inquiry page allows you to view all incident and grievance cases assigned to a Case officer. |
Civil Service Authorization |
The Civil Service Authorization (QCSA) inquiry page allows you to search through available Civil Service attribute combinations. |
Civil Service Roster |
The Civil Service Roster (QCSR) inquiry page allows you to identify employees currently serving in a specific title and jurisdiction classification. |
Employee Claim |
The Employee Claim (ECL) activity folder allows you to view an employee's worker' compensation claims. |
Employee Claim Inquiry |
The Employee Claim Inquiry (QECL) page allows you to search for and view information about claims. |
Employee FastTrack Wizard |
Advantage HRM includes a process to automate the way transactions necessary to hire new or modify existing employees are created through the Employee FastTrack Wizard. |
Employee FastTrack Wizard transaction |
Advantage HRM includes a process to automate the way the transactions necessary to hire new or modify existing employees are created through the Employee FastTrack Wizard transaction. |
Employee Grievance Inquiry |
Displays a list of grievances sorted by Grievance Type, Current Status, Report Group, and Selection Date of the grievance. |
Employee Incident Inquiry |
Displays a summary of all incidents that meet certain user-specified criteria. |
Employee Inquiries |
Allows inquiry of related employee inquiry transactions within a folder and also maintain them. |
Employee Profile Management |
The Employee Profile Management (EPM) activity folder makes it easy for you to enter an employee into the system, modify one, and perform personnel actions. |
Employee Relations |
Employee Relations (ER) activity folder allows management of employee evaluations, incidents and grievances, and also look up case officer information and other related activities. |
Employee Search |
The Employee Search page allows you to search for available employees as per the user role and security authorization. |
Employee Social Security Number Inquiry |
Allows authorized users to view employee name, ID, and SSN information. |
Employee by Training Results |
Displays employees who have taken, are taking or will take a particular course. |
Employment Verification Inquiry |
Displays a summary of employee data entered in the Employment Status Maintenance (ESMT), Employee Attribute Maintenance (ATTR), Employee Emergency Contact (EMER), and Department Specific Data (DEPTD) transactions. |
Fixed Asset Registry Header |
The Fixed Asset Registry Header (QFAR) page is used as the central repository of Advantage Fixed Assets. |
Identify Talent Pool |
The Identify Talent Pool supports succession planning by enabling admin to identify talents based on requirements criteria. The Identify Talent Pool is a wizard with 4 steps The Requirements Criteria step can be used to define requirements related to Licenses and Certifications, Competencies, Education Qualifications, Training and any specific Organizational criteria. The criteria defined on the Succession Requirements (SCSR) page is fetched. The Evaluate Criteria step lists the candidates matching the requirements. The candidate pool shows the details of the candidates who match the requirements Criteria. From the row-level menu on the candidate pool, user can view more details about the employee by using the Manage Employee information link or can recommend this candidate for succession. Once a candidate is recommended an engagement plan is triggered for the employee which can be used to manage agreement with employee and track recommendation details for this succession. |
Learning and Career Development |
This page allows you to access Learning and Career Development related transactions. |
Name Change Cross Reference Inquiry |
Displays a list of current names previous names of employees in the database. |
Personnel Action Request Management |
The Personnel Action Request Management (PARM) activity folder allows you to view information associated Personnel Action Request (PAR) Numbers and the personnel action requests that are associated with the PAR number. |
Personnel Action Wizard Triggers Management |
Personnel Action Wizard Triggers Management Activity Folder allows you to view the triggers that are created by the Personnel Actions Wizard and when the personnel action changes are performed via Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT). |
Personnel Action Wizard |
Advantage HRM allows includes a process to automate employee personnel action changes and termination through the Personnel Action Wizard. |
Work Schedule Query |
Displays the Work schedule details. |