

Page Code


Check Exception


This page allows you to view information for all checks that could not be reconciled during the Automated Check Reconciliation process.

Check Reconciliation

Check Status Update


This page is updated by the Manual Disbursement and Automated Disbursement transactions. One record is inserted on this page for each disbursement. Each record contains disbursement data such as Check/EFT number, Amount, and Status. The Check Reconciliation Process moves records from this table to the Paid Checks table if the checks are cancelled or they can be reconciled with the bank.

The Check Status Update page allows you to change the Status of a check, provide a Cancellation Reason, enter a comment and provide a Cleared Date. This page is only accessible from the Check Reconciliation page.

Check Search


The Check Search (CHKSRCH) page allows searching both Check Reconciliation (CHREC) and Paid Checks (PDCHK) pages for times when the status of a disbursement is not known.

Disbursement Daily Summary


This inquiry summarizes, by scheduled payment date, the total amount of scheduled payments that are currently On Hold, Restricted, Not Restricted and Scheduled. By looking at the Scheduled column, you can identify the total amount of disbursements that are generated for a particular date.

Disbursement Daily Summary by Priority


This inquiry summarizes, by Disbursement Priority and Scheduled Payment Date, the total amount of scheduled payments that are currently On Hold, Restricted, Not Restricted, and Scheduled. By looking at the Scheduled column, you can identify the total amount of disbursements that are generated for a particular priority and date.

Disbursement Detail Query


This inquiry displays detailed information from the AD, DC and MD transactions and the Check Reconciliation table for disbursement transactions.  The DISBDQ page lists the specific payment requests associated with the disbursement transaction that is selected.

Disbursement Management


This page allows you to define when, and in what order, checks and electronic fund transfers are disbursed during the Automated Disbursements process.

Disbursement Management by Transaction


This page allows you to define when, and in what order, checks and electronic fund transfers are disbursed during the Automated Disbursements process.  DISBMD is similar to the Disbursement Management (DISBM) query with the added capability of searching by Transaction ID when locating scheduled disbursements and provides users with greater control over the scheduling and prioritization of payments.

Disbursement Query


This inquiry displays summary information from the AD, DC and MD transactions and the Check Reconciliation table for disbursement transactions.

Escheat Pre-Selection


This page is loaded by the Escheat Pre-Selection process for a user-review of stale dated disbursements for moving them onward to the escheat status.

Hard Copy Disbursement Count


This page displays the number of hard copy disbursements that have been issued to a recipient. It is part of a feature called Hard Copy Disbursement Count discussed in Common Terminology. This page is empty unless the Hard Copy Disbursement Options (HCDO) page is setup.

Paid Checks

Paid Checks Update


This page allows you to view all checks that have been reconciled by the system.

The Paid Checks Update page allows users to enter a comment and provide a Cleared Date. This page is accessible from the Paid Checks page.

Payment Hold Activity


The Payment Hold Activity is an inquiry table updated by the Automated Payment Hold batch process.

Payment Hold by TIN


The Payment Hold by TIN table stores Taxpayer’s information with owed or settled judgment debts.

Payment Hold Maintenance


This inquiry stores information regarding hold requests, removal requests, and Allow Bypass requests.

Print Payment Hold Notice History


Tracks and handles requests for all printed/reprinted Payment Hold Notices for held payment requests.