
This topic includes all of the inquiries used in the Procurement area, listed alphabetically. For more information on each inquiry, refer to the appropriate link in the Page Code column.

Inquiry Name

Page Code


Address Type Search

This page can only be accessed from the Vendor/Customer page.

This page allows you to search through all vendor addresses entered into Advantage.

Amendment History


This page allows you to view all Solicitation transactions that have been amended between the time of publication and closing date.

Business Type Search

This page can only be accessed from the Vendor/Customer page.

This page allows you to search through all vendor's that have registered for business types in Advantage.

Buyer Deadline Performance by Complexity


Displays a buyer’s performance based on the assigned complexity of the procurement.

Buyer Deadline Performance by Dollar Range


Displays a buyer’s performance based on the number of times a buyer reaches his or her event deadlines for procurements that fall within pre-defined dollar ranges.

Buyer Deadline Performance by Procurement Type


Displays a buyer’s performance based on the number of times a buyer reaches his or her event deadlines for a specific type of procurement.

Buyer Performance


Displays a buyer’s performance based on the number of times a buyer reaches his or her event deadlines for all of his or her assigned procurements.

Buyer Performance Comments


Used to record a Manager’s comments regarding the performance of a Buyer assigned to a particular procurement.

Buyer Team Performance Comments


Used to record a manager’s comments regarding the performance of a Team assigned to a particular procurement.

Buysense ERP Information


This page stores the buysenseOrg fields that do not directly map to an Advantage field.

Buysense Request Control


This page allows you to review requests generated from the buysense eMall system.

Buysense XML Files


This page allows you to review system generated files used for integrating with the buysense eMall application.

Catalog Summary Inquiry


Displays all Catalog records associated with a version of a Master Agreement in one view. 

Clarification Request


Used as a central repository for tracking all clarification requests made on Solicitation Response (SR) transactions.  This page is the starting point for when an evaluator requests further clarifications on a submitted SR and tracks the status of the clarification request record all the way through completion.

Contract Inquiry




Allows you to search the Master Agreement (MA) Transaction Type.

Invoicing Search


Allows you to search for award transactions and create Invoice transactions.

Inventory Catalog Crosswalk


Allows you to add, modify, or delete dated notes for an existing vendor/customer record.

List of Insured


Allows you to view the vendors that have insurance certificates.

Mandatory Source Master Agreement Lines


Allows you to view Master Agreement commodity lines identified as a mandatory source.

Master Contact Search

This page can only be accessed from the Vendor/Customer page.

Allows you to search through all vendor contacts entered into Advantage.

Master Address Search

This page can only be accessed from the Vendor/Customer page.

This page allows you to search through all unique addresses entered into Advantage.

My Requests


Allows you to view all Requisition and Universal Requestor transactions that you have submitted.

Open Solicitation Responses


Allows you to search for all draft solicitation response transactions (includes both SRW and SR transactions).

Procurement Management


Allows you to search for a Procurement Folder and access all valid state viewers for the selected procurement.

Procurement Milestone


Allows you to search for all milestones assigned to procurements in the Advantage system

Procurement Note


Lists all notes that have been added to a Procurement Folder for a specific Procurement State

Procurement State


Lists all Procurements and the status of each Procurement State for each Procurement Folder.  

Procurement Transaction


Allows you to view a listing of all procurement transactions in CGI Advantage Procurement with a Phase of Final or Historical Final.  

Purchase Order Print History


Allows users to track when a PO was printed either manually or in batch. The inquiry is only updated when a  transaction of the PO Transaction Type is printed.

Receiving Search


Allows you to search for award transactions and create Receiver transactions.

Renewal History


Allows you to search for your Contracts and Master Agreements using search fields. The results of the search displays in two grids. The first grid lists the Master Agreement or Contract in Procurement. The second grid lists all renewal periods for the Master Agreement or Contract listed in the first grid, and provides a link to the Renewal transaction for all periods that have been renewed.

Requisition History (Transaction-level)


Allows you to view all Requisition and Universal Requestor transactions that have been submitted at the Transaction-level.

Requisition History (Line History)


Allows you to view all Requisition and Universal Requestor transactions that have been submitted at the Line-level.

Requisition History (Line-level)


Allows you to view the last action that affects a Requisition or Universal Requestor line along its procurement path.

Requisition Workbench


Allows you to create a Purchase Order (PO) from multiple Requisition (RQ) transactions.

Service Area Search

This page can only be accessed from the Vendor/Customer page.

This page allows you to search through all vendor's that have registered for service areas in Advantage.

Solicitation Response Detail


This page can only be accessed from the SRSUM page.  This page allows you to drill down and view specific information for a Solicitation Response (SR) transaction.  

Solicitation Response Summary


This page allows you to view a current general summary of the Solicitation Response (SR) transactions submitted for a given Solicitation (SO).

Solicitation Watchlist


This page tracks Solicitation (SO) transactions that Vendors add to the SO Watchlist through the Vendor Self Service (VSS) application.

Team Deadline Performance by Complexity


Allows you to view a team’s performance based on the complexity of the procurement.

Team Deadline Performance by Dollar Range


Allows you to view a team’s performance based on the number of times a buyer reaches his or her event deadlines for specific dollar ranges.

Team Deadline Performance by Procurement Type


Allows you to evaluate a team’s performance relative to a specific type of procurement.

Team Performance


Allows you to evaluate a team's overall performance.

UR Requests


Allows you to view the Universal Requestor transactions that have been created.

Vendor Commodity


This page allows you to search through all vendor's that have registered for commodities in Advantage.

Vendor Customer Archive


Stores a list of Vendor/Customer records already archived and communicates the list of Vendor/Customers records to be archived between the Financial and Vendor Self Service (VSS) applications.

Vendor Customer Modification Query


Allows you to search by either Vendor or transaction-specific information to locate a specific VCM transaction.

Vendor Customer Modification Tracking


Allows you to search for changes to Vendor/Customer records submitted by Vendor Self Service and other interfaces.

Vendor History


Displays all Vendor Customer Creation (VCC) and Vendor Customer Modification (VCM) transactions that have been created for a given vendor. It displays a description of the change if one is entered on the corresponding transaction.

Vendor Invoice Registry


Displays a list of each Vendor Invoice recorded in CGI Advantage.  The Vendor Invoice Registry is used to ensure that duplicate invoices are not recorded from the same vendor.

Vendor Notes


Allows you to add, modify or delete dated notes for an existing vendor/customer record.

Vendor Notification


Provides an audit trail view of all notifications that have been sent to vendors in reference to a solicitation.

Vendor Solicitation List


Allows you to view, insert, modify and delete vendor solicitation list activities related to the selected solicitation.

Vendor Transaction History


Allows you to search for specific information related to vendor transactions.

Note: The Lifecycle (LINQ) inquiry allows you to view the complete chain of transactions associated with a selected search transaction. Refer to the "Lifecycle Inquiry" topic in the CGI Advantage Financial - Transactions User Guide or page help for more information.