Transaction Information

This topic of the User Guide includes the following areas:

Transaction Name

Page Code


Additional Employee Leave


Allows you to record an employee related leave information such as expected return dates and reason for absences, as example.

Automatic Leave Accrual


Used by the system to generate leave accruals for the employee during a payroll run.

Department Specific Data


Allows you to record and view information regarding an employee's home unit, pay and work locations, department-specific identification, seniority, work cycle, and timesheet proxy. Additionally, you can record an employee's travel status and other travel policy related information and designate timesheet proxy if the employee is eligible to be a Timesheet Proxy for other employees.    

Donated Leave




Allows you to manually donate leave in the Leave Bank or directly to an employee who is in need of leave.

Employee Status Maintenance


Allows you to establish an employee on the system database.

Employee Work Schedule


Allows you to modify a work schedule for an individual employee rather than having to create a new schedule when there are exceptions or changes specific to an employee. For example, a manager can modify specific schedule dates, and/or shifts within a schedule using this transaction.

External Adjustments


The External Adjustments (EADJ) transaction allows you to make year-to-date pay, deduction and entity (employer and employee) summary adjustments.

Generate Timesheets and Leave Accruals Parameters


The Generate Timesheet and Leave Accruals (GTLP) page allows users to set parameters for creating default Timesheets, regular Timesheets, and Leave Accrual transactions. The Generate Timesheets and Leave Accruals batch job reads and processes the requests entered on the GTLP page to generate a new timesheet or leave transaction for a group of employees. The Generate Default Timesheet batch job will read and process the requests entered on the GTLP page to generate a default timesheet for a group of employees.

Leave Accrual


Allows you to manually accrue leave for an employee.

Leave Bank Enrollment



Allows you to enroll in the leave bank through which you can participate in the leave bank activities.

Leave Request


Allows you to make any requests of future time off or justification for past time off.

Overtime Request


Allows you to enter overtime requests. The HRM administrator may create an OREQ transaction for an employee to record his/her overtime. A new line can be entered for each of the overtime requests, to allow multiple requests on one transaction.

Position Work Schedule



Allows you to create exceptions to a work schedule for a selected Position Number rather than having to create a new schedule when there are exceptions or changes specific to a particular position.

Retroactive Trigger


Allows you to view and modify automatically generated retroactive pay and leave triggers, and enter manual triggers for situations where automatic triggers do not occur, such as when a change to a table-driven pay or leave rate occurs.

Service Hours Adjustment


Allows you to adjust service credits by using appropriate service hours. All service credits are linked to service hour types, and conversion rules are defined in Service Credits Calculations (SCCALC).

The adjustments must be in HH:MM format. The adjustments can be positive or negative, resulting in an increase or decrease of service hours and service credits balance. In case of negative adjustments, there is a validation to prevent the adjustment from taking the balance below 0.



Allows employees to record their timesheet information over the Web. Different versions of the timesheet can be maintained for each pay period if versioning is enabled at the site.

Timesheet Adjustment


Allows you to make adjustment to the timesheet by collecting time, attendance, and accounting override information.

Timesheet Group


A Timesheet Group (TIMEG) transaction provides timekeepers with the ability to enter time for a group of employees on a single timesheet transaction. The Timesheet Group transaction reduces the input time and navigation required to enter time for multiple employees by providing a single timesheet applicable for multiple employees.

Timesheet Master Template


Allows you to create a timesheet template at the Department, Unit, Union Local, and Pay Policy level to be used by employees that fit the criteria.

Work Schedule Change Request


Allows you to enter a Work Schedule Change Request. The HRM administrator may create a WREQ transaction for an employee to record his/her work schedule change requests.