Transaction Information
The Personnel Management business area involves the following transactions:
Name |
Transaction Code |
Intended Use |
Additional Employee Attributes- Large |
This Additional Employee Attributes- Large transaction is configurable up to 350 fields. It allows you to enter and track information for the employee that is not set on existing pages. Extensibility is used to rename the fields, hide unused fields, move field, group them, and so forth. |
Additional Employee Attributes- Small |
This Additional Employee Attributes- Small transaction is configurable up to 40 fields. It allows you to enter and track information for the employee that is not set on existing pages. Extensibility is used to rename the fields, hide unused fields, move field, group them, and so forth. |
Anniversary Date |
The Anniversary Date (ANNV) transaction allows you to enter data for an employee’s anniversary date. |
Employee Accounting Data |
The Employee Accounting Data transaction allows you to create and maintain employee specific accounting information. |
Employee Address Maintenance |
The Employee Address Maintenance (ADDR) transaction is used to record and maintain an employee address, residency, and contact information. |
Employee Assigned Asset Information |
The Pass Information (PASSDOC) transaction allows you to record information about the assets that have been issued to the employees. |
Employee Attributes |
The Employee Attributes (ATTR) page allows you to record and view basic employee personal attributes such as date of birth, education at appointment, and veteran information. |
Employee Civil Service Status |
The Employee Civil Service Status (ECIV) transaction provides a way to record and change an employee’s current and historical civil service status including Title, Jurisdictional Classification, Appointing Authority, and so on. |
Employee Claim Detail |
The Employee Claim Detail (CLAIM) transaction captures data related to the processing of a workers’ compensation claim. |
Employee Competency Profile |
The Employee Competency Profile transaction allows you to manage employee competency profiles. |
Employee Education History |
The Employee Education History transaction allows you to manage employee education history details. |
Employment Eligibility Verification |
The Employment Eligibility Verification (EELV) transaction allows you to view, record and modify Employee Eligibility Verification (I-9) information based on the I-9 form submitted for an employee. |
Employee Emergency Contact |
The Employee Emergency Contact transaction allows you to record and view information on emergency contacts for each employee. |
Employee Evaluation |
This transaction allows setting up goals, training and competency requirements, record self assessment by the employee, initiate and track 360 Degree Feedback from peer reviewers, assessment by evaluator and reviewer approval processes. |
Employee FastTrack Wizard |
The Employee FastTrack Wizard (EFTW) is created from the Employee FastTrack Wizard transaction (EMPFTWT), and it supports workflow so the FastTrack Wizard session can be sent through workflow process for review/approval. Sites can enable workflow capabilities at the session transaction level; child transactions are initiated only when the session transaction is approved. |
Employee Grievance Detail |
The Employee Grievance Detail transaction allows you to manage employee grievance details. |
Employee Identification Change Form |
The Employee Identification Change Form (EICF) transaction allows you to record any changes to an employee's identification number. |
Employee Incident Detail |
The Employee Incident Detail transaction allows you to manage employee Incident details. |
Employee Licenses and Certifications |
The Employee Licenses and Certifications (LCNS) transaction allows you to manage employees' licenses and certifications information. |
Employee Performance Evaluation |
The Employee Performance Evaluation transaction allows you to manage employee performance evaluations. |
Employee Performance Expectation |
The Employee Performance Expectation transaction allows you to manage employee performance expectations. |
Employee Recommendations |
The Employee Recommendations transaction allows managers and HR administrators to make an employee recommendation for an increase/decrease in salary, a change in Grade/Step, or a new Title, etc. |
Employee Status Maintenance |
The Employee Status Maintenance transaction allows you to establish employees' basic pay parameters in Advantage HRM system. |
Employee Status Maintenance Log Change History |
The Employee Status Maintenance Log Change History (ESMLCH) transaction enables you to view personnel actions processed for the employee for an effective date, the order in which these actions were processed, which personnel actions are corrections, along with the ability to identify what values were changed on the historical records. |
Employee Training Profile |
The Employee Training Profile transaction allows you to manage employees' participation in training courses. |
Employee Work History |
This page allows you to record an employee's work history. |
HRDOC User Maintenance |
The HRDOC (User Maintenance) transaction can be used to manually or automatically establish new users or update existing users in the Advantage system. |
New Employee |
The New Employee transaction allows you to enter new employee's details. |
Org Chart Change Request |
The Organization Chart Change Request (OCCR) transaction (based on access rights) allows users to approve or reject the organization chart structure changes submitted for approval. |
Personnel Action Request |
The Personnel Action Request transaction allows you to create Personnel action requests. |
Personnel Action Request – Employee |
The Personnel Action Request - Employee transaction allows employees or supervisors to create a user friendly version of Personnel Action Requests. |
Seniority Hours Adjustment |
The Seniority Hours Adjustment transaction is used to edit seniority hours for a period. |
Seniority Hours Beginning Balance |
The Seniority Hours Beginning Balance transaction is used to store beginning balances for a title. |
Self Performance Evaluation |
The Self Performance Evaluation (SPEV) transaction allows an employee to create self-employee evaluations regarding performance. |
Wizard-generated ESMT transaction |
A system generated Employee Status Maintenance transaction. |